I quit my private equity job in 2021 and embarked on on adventure to discover more of the world, which resulted in visiting and living long term in several cities such as Tulum, Paris, Istanbul over the past two years.
My definition of a "digital nomad" is someone who spends more than a week or two in a location. Typically at least a month. This gives you enough time to make a new place your "home."
Before are the top 10 lessons I learned during my travels.
Tip #1 - Self-Discipline is Key
Establishing a routine while on the road is crucial to make the most of your travels. The earlier you establish your routine, the better. I've found that waking up early can be incredibly helpful. It provides ample time to plan your day and maximize your experience.
It's important not to let common excuses like jet lag derail your routine. Instead, make the conscious choice to get up and start doing. By establishing a consistent routine, you can create a sense of structure and purpose that can help you feel more grounded while on the road.
While it can be tempting to indulge in late-night partying, it's important to remember that you're living in this place, not YOLO-ing on a week long trip. Embrace the unexpected moments, but try to plan your day ahead to ensure you're making the most of your time. By striking a balance between structure and spontaneity, you can create a fulfilling travel experience that balances adventure and self-care.
Tip #2 - Find a Co-working Space / Good WiFi is Key
It is truly mind boggling how much more work you can get done at a co-working space than in your room or some other unproductive location. A good co-working space puts you in the zone and can also help you establish a routine if you go at the same time every day. It's also a great place to meet fellow nomads.
If you are working on the road, having good WiFi is essential - just as important as having a phone.
I've learned the hard way by working from places with terrible connections. That's why it's important to plan ahead and make sure you have access to high-quality WiFi before you set up shop. When you're taking Zoom calls or attending virtual meetings, a poor internet connection can reflect poorly on you and undermine your professionalism.
The best kind of digital nomading is where the person on the other line cannot even tell where you are because it is so seamless and smooth.
Tip #3 - Put Yourself Out there in the First Couple of Weeks / Invest in Relationships
The first week couple of weeks when you visit a new place are key and can define the length of your stay. It is when you figure out the city and are feeling the most bold to meet new people. Make the most of this time. Don't be afraid to talk to anyone and everyone.
Once you find a few good people, invest in these relationships. Get to know these people, spend time with them, be there for them, understand what truly motivates them. Then watch these acquaintances turn into lifelong friendships. When you have a core group of friends, it will also help you enjoy the city a lot more.
Tip #4 - Embrace Minimalism - Stoic Life
I have so many things in my apartment in NYC, yet when I leave for my travels with one 23 kg suitcase it really makes me think about what it takes for a human being to survive and live a happy life.
While I do indulge in the occasional souvenir, I've realized that I don't need to shop excessively during my travels. Not only do I lack the space to store additional possessions, but it's also not practical to pay extra baggage fees throughout my journey.
Collect memories, not possessions.
While we are the topic, this is one of the best books I have ever read.
Tip #5 - Avoid Social Media While in the Moment But Take Pictures
Don't be that guy or girl that is pulling out their phone at every moment and putting it on the gram. It is totally fine if you post something on Instagram but you also don't have to post pictures real time.
When I am traveling or having adventures, I usually post at the end of the day before sleeping.
To be clear, I believe that taking pictures is essential. I have found that my distinct brain memory lasts about 3 months. Every time I miss a place, I look at pictures and I feel like I can live out the moments.
I am fan of saving my Instagram memories. It excites me to think that one day my kids will go through my Instagram and can actually see what shenanigans their dad was up to in the summer of 2021 in Tulum.
Tip #6 - Be Wary of Romantic Relationships / Do Your Diligence
Traveling has a certain romantic allure that can lead us to fall in love with not just the places we visit but also the people we meet along the way. It's important to exercise caution and diligence before committing to anything or anyone while on the road.
While falling in love during your travels is not necessarily a bad thing, it's important to be aware of the potential pitfalls. Don't let the euphoria of your experience cloud your judgment and cause you to mistake temporary infatuation for true love.
It's essential to recognize that the very act of traveling can add a sense of excitement and adventure to your experiences, making everything seem more magical and romantic than it might be in reality. It's crucial to differentiate between being in love with the person and being in love with the story.
If you do meet someone who becomes your lifelong partner while traveling, that's wonderful! But be mindful of your romantic tendencies and not let the fairytale moments define your relationship. Take the time to truly get to know the person and determine if they are the right fit for you before you decide to build the Taj Mahal for them.
Tip #7 - Take Care of Your Health
It is important to take care of your health, exercise daily and not drink your brains out every single night. I have found that getting up early and going on a run or to the gym works the best for me.
Find what works for you, take a workout class, go hiking, do 20 pushups, just commit to something and do it regularly. If you don't have good health while you are the road, you will be totally miserable.
Tip #8 - Get to Know the Locals
While fellow nomads are great people to meet, it is key to meet some locals as well.
Guidebooks, Google, or even ChatGPT can only provide so much information about a place. The most fascinating and authentic experiences are found through conversations with locals, who can share their personal perspectives and knowledge about their community.
By meeting locals, you can also gain insider tips on the best places to eat, shop, and explore. This can lead to unexpected adventures and unique experiences that you might not have discovered otherwise. So, be sure to prioritize meeting and connecting with locals during your travels to get the most out of your experience.
Tip #9 - Embrace the Discomfort
We sometimes have this idea in our head that if we head on the road, it is going to be rainbows and butterflies and our life will be amazing.
The reality of traveling is that it can be challenging, with unexpected issues like flight delays, connectivity problems, or feelings of loneliness.
Don't let the worries overwhelm you. Embrace them as part of the travel. Learn to find solutions than fretting over why life threw these lemons at you.
Ultimately, remember that the difficulties you encounter are part of the journey and can lead to some of the most memorable experiences of your life.
Tip #10 - Get Out of Your Comfort Zone / Take Risks
Chances are if you are digital nomad, you are no stranger to getting out of your comfort zone. But take this a step further.
Challenge yourself to talk to strangers, even if it feels uncomfortable. Try to learn the language even if you can't pronounce half the alphabet. Try new activities, even if they scare you, such as taking a scuba diving class, or going on a hike despite a fear of heights.
Remember that failing is a natural part of learning and growing. So don't be afraid to tell that joke that might fall flat or try something new that might not work out. You're out here on the road, living a unique and exciting life, so make the most of it by taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. You never know what amazing opportunities and experiences might be waiting for you.
That is all.